Buffett and sour grapes

By rickColosimo / May 16, 2007 /

We recently came across this brief interview from a “political philosopher.” Of course, that’s not going to mix well with our nothing-but-the-fundamentals view of business and achieving goals. (We tend to leave the philosophy for the goal-setting.) In brief, the gentleman says that Warren Buffett’s generous gift to charity, rivaling the US’s most revered benefactors,…

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Cash, Debt, and WACC

By rickColosimo / March 6, 2006 / Comments Off on Cash, Debt, and WACC

A recent Fortune article by Geoffrey Colvin discusses the relatively low percentage of debt in the capital structure of a large percentage of US public companies (he cites that “25% of the Russell 3000 have no debt or negative debt”). His primary point is that by not having “enough” debt, companies are suffering from a…

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