Where TSC has become involved in the detailed analysis of investment portfolios, we’ve chosen to focus on the massive amount of data that is in fact sitting on the books of financial advisors, rather than on broad market segments standing alone. In working with a high-net-worth family, we sought to track not just overall performance…
Read MoreMost valuations follow a traditional pathway, with only slight differences between public and private companies: 1. Determine a valuation range based on the values of comparable public companies 2. Determine a valuation range based on the values revealed by transactions involving comparable companies 3. Perform a discounted cash flow analysis Using the three legs of…
Read MoreThis article from the 2001 Nobel laureate in economics is a concise and cogent description of the courses of action re: the bailout. We’re pleased to see that someone is talking about the need for quality due diligence and the potential risks of shoddy or slight investigations into value. We have pushed this message with…
Read MoreLarry Ribstein, who’s a law professor and pretty focused on corporate governance generally, just described the bailout in some pretty straightforward terms. WARNING: we are not typically focused on macroeconomics except in scenario planning. However, we see strong tendrils of the situation that are really about investor expectations, the efficiency of the market, and the…
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