Bolstering valuations through detailed analysis

By rickColosimo / January 28, 2009 /

Most valuations follow a traditional pathway, with only slight differences between public and private companies: 1. Determine a valuation range based on the values of comparable public companies 2. Determine a valuation range based on the values revealed by transactions involving comparable companies 3. Perform a discounted cash flow analysis Using the three legs of…

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Insider deal = Bad, Outsider deal = Okay?

By rickColosimo / April 8, 2008 / Comments Off on Insider deal = Bad, Outsider deal = Okay?

This Forbes article sets forth an interesting analysis on some factors that might impact the pricing of a Microsoft-Yahoo deal. The basic premise is that since many shareholders of one company are [likely] shareholders of the other, these cross-holdings necessarily lead to an optimization analysis. If MSFT shares fall as a result of an increased…

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Excess capital and negative spread

By rickColosimo / March 29, 2006 / Comments Off on Excess capital and negative spread

Geoffrey Colvin, the star of our last post, is once again delivering basic finance concepts to the masses in his all-too-short article on the AT&T- BellSouth merger. Believe us, basic is the level that many corporate finance & management teams are working at, so Colvin is doing shareholders a favor (we can assume a broad…

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