Software Bounty: $250 for blackberry email tweak

Wanted: a work-for-hire (so it can be released under a CC license for non-commercial use, exact license TBD) software “widget” that, at a minimum, works on a GSM Blackberry Pearl (AT&T) using Hosted BES from Intermedia.
Feature: allows for an option-type (i.e., one time) setting to auto-BCC a single address on every email sent from the device.

Reference: When using the blackberry in a non-corporate environment, using the Blackberry Internet Service, it is possible to set an option that allows the user to BCC an address on every email. However, when we shifted to a hosted Blackberry Enterprise Server platform, that option disappeared. We want to be able to BCC ourselves automatically rather than type in the address each time. The solution could take many forms, as long as the feature is delivered without other errors. Constraints caused by the solution may be acceptable.

Reward: $250 for first working version. Submissions to I will test the applet myself and then have a colleague confirm the solution is acceptable. All submissions will be recognized here.