How do startup valuations work?

By rickColosimo / May 10, 2016 / Comments Off on How do startup valuations work?

Building on the startup-oriented tools that Rick has published on his startup law website, we’ve created a simplified valuation framework for you. We’ve extracted this tool from financial models and valuations we’ve built for clients over the years. The multiples have to be adjusted for a specific business and market, but the current values are…

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Too much runway

By rickColosimo / March 2, 2016 / Comments Off on Too much runway

Too much runway, and you may never take off. Here’s the write-up I saw in the Next Draft newsletter (hey there, Dave!) that pointed me to a story about Slack’s then-recent venture financing: Give me some slack … equity. The company’s product is about a year old. But investors just invested $120 million into Slack…

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How to plan for business legal disputes

By rickColosimo / February 25, 2016 / Comments Off on How to plan for business legal disputes

At one point years ago, my business partner and I were discussing how the arbitrator costs for a month of pre-hearing activity was 1/3 of our original out of pocket claim. What is the “deductible” on business claims? How expensive is it, really, to sue a business on a contract claim? And what are the…

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When should nonprofits spend more?

By rickColosimo / May 12, 2015 / Comments Off on When should nonprofits spend more?

Here’s a quote about a program by Habitat for Humanity to try to get better results for people: By betting big on property in a down market, and with the help of a donor network, the group is creating Habitat neighborhoods. –Habitat for Humanity Tries Big-Scale Approach to Housing in Oregon That’s one point of…

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